Jessie’s stomach issues have gotten me again! You never really know your dog’s weaknesses until you try something like a UDX. I’m sure specialing a dog in breed competition is very similar. Showing a couple times a year just doesn’t bring out the weaknesses like showing a couple times a month.
We headed out to Syracuse for their spring cluster this weekend. After our last trial, I had high hopes we would pick up another UDX leg. The drive down my hopes were crushed as Jessie threw-up twice. I had made the mistake of switching brand of vitamin B complex on Friday night, and I believe that is what set off his IBS and sensitive stomach. The smell of dog throw-up really didn’t make the trip pleasant. Unfortunately, he threw-up while I was on a part of I-90 where I really didn’t feel safe to pull over, then he laid down in it. So not only did my car smell of vomit, but so did my dog.
Since the ride is about an hour and half, I thought turning right around would be hard on him. He didn’t feel well, but I knew he wasn’t sick with anything he could pass on – I’ve been through this too many times with him. So I brushed him off best I could and brought him into the show to hang out and let his stomach settle before the ride home.
He seemed to perk up, and even after about an hour was interested in eating some treats. So I thought I’d show him in Open. The performance was lack-luster, but passing with a 191. I should have taken my green ribbon and gone home, but it is so hard to leave with half a UDX leg, so I stayed. Utility was starting right about the same time they were finishing up Open, so it didn’t seem like that bad of a thing to do – I had to stay for the end of my one class anyway.
Utility was worse then Open. He was obviously uncomfortable and I felt horribly guilty for dragging him in, particularly since he actually tried very hard not making his usual mistakes. The only exercise he failed was the Signal Exercise. As he started to do his drop, he suddenly popped back up, as if he had a pain in his side, which was probably true. The rest of the class he was looking at his butt, stretching half down, and acting like things didn’t feel right. As soon as we were out of the ring, I packed him up and took him home. I should have done it earlier. He threw-up two more times on the way home and I felt like a bad owner.
The next day we slept in with no plans to show. I wanted to go back and pick up my crate (I’d left it there) and watch my friends in their classes. As I got ready to leave, Jessie plastered himself to the door to let me know he wanted to go to, so I took him. We were too late for Open when we arrived, but were there for Utility. This time he went in much happier and did one of his silly acts in the ring. Everything but the Directed Jumping actually got scored really well, loosing only 4 points over all. But on the Directed Jumping he just couldn’t resist taking the high jump twice, skipping the bar jump completely. I didn’t mind the NQ – at least he was happy, playful, and had a wagging tail.
Posted by enoj
at 9:11 AM EDT