Well we've done it at last! Jessie got his final UD leg with another first place (that's three first places in utility!). We actually tied for the ribbon with his buddy Kurzon and our utility class instructor, Robin Wiley, but beat them in the run-off (she'll be hearing about this one for ages, he he he). Who would have thought! I think Kurzon and Robin were just trying to make us feel good -- lord knows they usually heel better then us.
I'm so proud of him! They had to stop our run TWICE because of loose dogs going bonkers in the ring next to us (two different dogs). Some how we kept our minds on the job, picked up where we'd left off when all dogs were under control and went on to finish. It was our lowest score yet (183.5), but considering the situation, I think it was a great round.
He had a nice walk in the park and a hamburger with french fries for dinner to celebrate. Tomorrow we can just go have fun at the show and not worry about passing or failing. What a journey!
Posted by enoj
at 12:01 AM EDT