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Utility Game
Sunday, June 13, 2004
small brag -- first UDX leg and first OTCH point
Have to brag about my kerry boy, Jessie. Our first weekend trying for UDX legs was a great success. We brought home three third place ribbons, one OTCH point, and one UDX leg. Only thing he missed was one little drop signal, or it would have been two UDX legs, but who's worried about that? Not me. I'm on cloud nine.

The trial we went to, in Mt. Nittery PA was lovely. It was on the Penn State Arg. area -- such a beautiful setting. You had plently of space to walk your dog. There were two rings in the building, widely spaced apart, and the hosting club was warm and friendly. Great lunch was sold, along with lots of yummy snacks. They gave lots of good money prizes. We took home about $85 (still waiting to see if we got high scoring terrier on sunday, we got it on Saturday, although we had tough competition from a little adorable wheaton terrier). They even had a "2nd High Scoring Combined Prize" which we got on Saturday, and a "2nd High Scoring in Trial". I really loved that!

I got a peek at the art work for the all-terrier agility trial tee-shirt for Montgomery and it's beautiful. No kerry on it, but lots of other terriers and the art work is absolutely stunning. If anyone is looking for terrier tee-shirts made, ask the wheaton club who did it, because it's really good. Not just art -- but really captured the character of the terrier breeds shown.

Posted by enoj at 12:01 AM EDT

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